Leptons: a family of particles consisting of the electron, the muon and the tau, along with their neutrinos.
Lepton is the temporary name for a single floppy Linux, based on the kernel series 2.4.x. It is my lab where I do experiment with the framebuffer device in Linux.
- Floppy disk is formatted 1722k, and it is pure, mountable ext2fs
- Kernel is 2.4.18
- Support framebuffer graphics (console 1024x758 and 800x600)
- Using j2 and fbppm you can load JPEG images
- It runs enterely in RAM, as usual.
- Filesystems supported: ext2, isofs, vfat, ntfs
- Ethernet networking enabled: 8139too and 3c59x drivers built-in
- Boots using LILO, with full screen bootlogo
- Uses full busybox 0.60 from Debian + my additional BB (rustic busybox)
- Some assembly commands from asmutils
- It is a complete UNIX in the console, with init, shell history,
multi-console, etc.
- gpm mouse server (the mouse in the console: only PS/2 mice)
- EE assembler text-editor
- Full screen ncurses applications from muLinux: pion (filemanager),
help (hypertextual help), info (system info)
- Screen Saver framebuffer demo, with flying jpeg.
- MEMTEST utility (new).
Lepton is not user-configurable (yet).
- At the prompt, you must load your
preferred keymap with:
loadkeys it|us|br|de ...
- Lepton has no memory: it runs in RAM.
- Remove the ncurses library, writing a sort of wrapping library interface versus the framebuffer graphics.
- populate the /usr/doc with a mini-course on UNIX shell and scripting, for my students.
From Debian Busybox
agetty chroot dmesg echo head login pidof rmmod tar uptime
ar chvt domainname env hostname ls ping route tee vi
ash clear dos2unix false id lsmod poweroff sed tftp wc
-ash cmp du fbset insmod mkdir printf sh touch wget
basename cp dumpkmap find kill mknod ps sleep tr which
bash create.kmap e3 free killall mkswap pwd sort true whoami
busybox cut e3em gateway killall5 modprobe rdate stty tty xargs
cat date e3ne grep ln more reboot swapoff umount yes
chgrp dd e3pi gunzip loadkeys mount reset swapon uname zcat
chmod df e3vi gzip loadkmap mv rm sync uniq
chown dirname e3ws halt logger nc rmdir tail unix2dos
init insmod modprobe
From Rustic Busybox
ip_broadcast ip_network modprobe msg scan
bb fastdd fortune hdparm ile mawk mon pion screen_saver timeout
chkpasswd fbppm fsck.ext2 help info md5sum muawk poke setconsole wave
crypt fdformat ftpget hexd j2 miterm muhex random setlevel xopen
expr fdisk gpm ifconfig less mixer muless readchar time
# fdformat /dev/fd0u1722
# cat lepton-VERSION.raw > /dev/fd0u1722
# sync
You need Linux, for that. DOS/Win9x users can use muLinux (in this case).
In this demo, you can see (and use it) mulinux-lepton running in a window, in your Netscape environment. To have a 32 bit operating system, such as Linux, running in a window isn't a everyday event.
The demo uses VNC and UMLinux virtual
machine, and runs on my desktop Linux computer, at this
url (no password required)
If my machine is down, you can see some screenshots, below.
I will keep the demo active for only a short period, because it is
resource expensive and I do not know how it will behave if used
by many users simultaneusly! (it runs a single instance OS)
I made an archive with UMlinux+Lepton setup. You can download and run it on your system.
To run this demo you need
72Mb free space in /tmp and you must run at least a 2.2.15 Linux kernel.