What is MuLinux

MuLinux was an Italian, English-language lightweight Linux distribution maintained by mathematics and physics professor Michele Andreoli, meant to allow very old and obsolete computers (80386, 80486 and Pentium Pro hardware dating from 1986 through 1998) to be used as basic intranet/Internet servers or text-based workstations with a UNIX-like operating system. It was also designed for quickly turning any 80386 or later computer into a temporary, powerful Linux machine, along with system repair, education, forensic analysis and what the developer called proselytizing. In 2004 reviewer Paul Zimmer wrote, "Although there are several other single-floppy Linux distributions, none can match MuLinux's extensive and unique combination of useful features." The last version update was in 2004, when further development of this "linux-on-a-floppy" distribution ended.

Original Author

The original author and mantainer of muLinux was Michele Andreoli. M.A. is an italian prof. in Mathematics and Physics, but he also works as independent consultant for companies interested in embedded Linux projects.

PTSource MuLinux

PTSource Mulinux is a dedicated initiative focused on maintaining and sustaining the legacy of professor Michele Andreoli's MuLinux project. MuLinux, renowned for its minimalistic design, is a lightweight, flexible Linux distribution that can run on older hardware with limited resources. PTSource Mulinux aims to preserve this valuable piece of open-source history by updating and improving the existing MuLinux codebase, ensuring compatibility with modern systems while retaining its original simplicity and efficiency. The project also emphasizes community engagement, encouraging contributions and support to keep the spirit of MuLinux alive for future generations of users and developers.


MuLinux is licensed under GPL, the General Public License from GNU.

Download the ISO

This rar contains the iso to run.

Download the sources

This tarball contains the BASE floppy (split in BOOT, ROOT.gz, USR.bz2) and the mulinux source tree, plus docs etc.

Download the addons

Add-ons are <1.7M. They may fit in a super-formatted 1.4M floppy disk.
I suggest you to download at least SRV and WKS, in order to have the traditional UNIX functionalities (multi-user support, etc).

  • SRV Server Extension (Samba,Smail,...)
  • WKS Workstation Extension(mutt,ssh,PGP,..)
  • X11 X Window (VGA-16,fvwm95, Afterstep, wm2)
  • VNC VNC (zip, UPX,...)
  • GCC GCC reduced (make,nasm,yacc&lex,Fortran, Pascal)
  • TCL Tcl/Tk (with a lot of demos)
  • TEX TeX typesetting system
  • PERL Perl language and libc6 support
  • EMU Wine,DosEMU
  • JVM Java Virtual Machine (Kaffe compiler,sshd)
  • NS1 Netscape Part1 (SVGA XServer)
  • NS2 Netscape Part2
Misc (optional)

You can optionally download additional kernel modules for the 2.0.36 Linux kernel, or additional misc programs for mulinux.

DOS Users Only

Download the Dos installer and tools: DOSTOOLS

MD5 Signature

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aef5dc50e6df099dd71ad8233348cf04  NS1.tar.bz2
4c19fb8c5b9a02d49631c55510ead1a9  NS2.tar.bz2
39d94171103eee3e3e186252b04aecf6  PERL.tar.bz2
70e2bde6af3a905716e06a258a2b2592  SRV.tar.bz2
1ef01099658b1e198c85501ef9e3efb9  TCL.tar.bz2
ab2d459fb61af7db105cf05a9888ef5f  TEX.tar.bz2
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d15ae8d430c08179c135a99042e1fcac  WKS.tar.bz2
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