Computer programming is a process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs. Programming involves activities such as analysis, developing understanding, generating algorithms, verification of requirements of algorithms including their correctness and resources consumption, and implementation (commonly referred to as coding) of algorithms in a target programming language.
PTSource Developer Platform is a professional IDE, Source Code Editor and Compiler, tools, templates and libs for professionals and students with build environments for Windows x86 and x64, MCS51, GBZ80, Z80, HC08 and Atari 2600. It offers many powerful features for programming and syntax highlighing for over 100 languages. It already brings Harbour, MingGW-w64, TCC, FASM, FB and FP as native compilers, PHP, Perl, Tcl/TK, NodeJS and Python as interpreters and Git as its version control system but supports a wide variety of compilers, assemblers and interpreters.